Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) - Are you interested in becoming a Catholic Christian, being Baptised, or completing your sacraments in your Catholic Faith (First Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation)? If so please call the Parish Office for more information at 410-687-6011 ext. 103 or attend our St. Clare/OLMC meeting on 10/5/23 at 7 p.m., at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish Center Classroom for the first meeting. Baptism is a sign of grace instituted by Christ and marks the beginning of our lives as members of the Body of Christ. Reconciliation, also called Penance or Confession, is the scramental celebration in which (through the mercy of God) our sins are forgiven. The Eucharist is celebrated during Mass, this sacramental action of thanksgiving to God recalls Jesus' actions and words at the Last Supper where he commanded his disciples to "Do this in memory of Me." Confirmation represents the beginning of a very new and personal relationship with Christ, is administered by the Bishop, who represents Christ in sending the newly confirmed "out into the world," empowered with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Interested in becoming an Altar Server? If you have been an altar server, have received some training already, or are interested in becoming an Altar Server; please have your parents contact our parish office at
410-687-6011 ext. 104 or send an email to the Parishoffice@saintclare.org for next steps, or any questions you may have. Mr. Dwyane and Mrs. Fran are doing the training and scheduling. Thank you!
"Pick 3 Lottery Game" tickets are on Sale!
365 Chances to Win!
A great Idea for a Gift that keeps giving all year long!!!! The Price is $25. Chance to win through the end of 2023, which is around the corner, and what a great gift these are. I guess you would say these chances are gifts that keep winning. My family loves receiving them!
The winning number is determined by the evening Pennsylvania 3 Digit Drawing. Prizes are:
$25 per day, $50 on the 15th of each Month, $100 on six special Holidays!!!!!
Tickets are on sale after Masses or contact Jim Wandishin 443-413-3324 or wandishinj@gmail.com.
St. Clare's Parish Office, located at 714 Myrth Avenue, is normally open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The phone number is 410-687-6011.
**Interested in joining Scouts, USA** Boy Scouts of America - Open to boys and girls age 5 thru 18, please join us and start having fun in all you do and imagine what you will learn!!!
St. Clare's, Troop 355B and
Troop 355G meet each Wednesday in the Hall from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. - boys and girls age 11-18. Adventure is waiting!
St. Clare's Family Pack 355 meets each Wednesday from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Hall - boys and girls age 5-10.
Stop by and find out more about what scouting is all about! Also you can call Vicki at 410-687-6011 ext. 103.
Parish Bulletins - Please check for current and past bulletins by selecting Bulletins in the drop down above.
Bulletin Items need to be in by noon on Tuesday a week before publication. Items can be sent to jeannette.suarez@saintclare.org or parishoffice@saintclare.org.
Need Prayers***If you or a loved one needs prayers for any situation, please call any of the following to have your intention added to the prayer line:
Debbie Brotzman 410-335-4621
Dolores Amrhein 410-686-7817
Come and Join in on the Fun! See your friends, bring your friends and have fun! Doors Open at
6 p.m. and Games begin at 7 p.m. Admission package is $16. ******Bingo will be the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month.*******Refreshments available.
Reserve these dates - 4/04, 4/18, 5/02, 6/06, 6/20, 7/11, 7/25, 08/08, 8/22, 09/05, 09/19
Any questions can be directed to the Parish Office at 410-687-6011 . There will be no Bingo if schools are closed for the day for weather, close early, or evening events are cancelled.
"Pray, hope, and don't worry, the Rosary is your weapon." (St. Padre Pio)
Make a commitment of joining us in prayer once a week on Mondays at 6 p.m. in the Rectory Chapel. We pray the Rosary and Padre Pio Prayers. Please remember to bring your booklets and a Rosary. Everyone is Welcome!!!!!!
Our Theme: "All for Jesus Through Mary"
We gather for Mass at 10 a.m. on Sundays starting October 1st and a meeting immediatly following in the Hall.
Please join us if you are interested, or give Terri a call at 443-922-4107, if you have any questions!
We are always in need of food donations to help those in need. We appreciate any donations and help. You can leave items in the containers by the main entrance doors. Thank you! St. Clare Outreach
Those who so generously volunteer at St. Clare are asked to login to VIRTUSonline.org (VIRTUS replaced Shield the Vunerable which replaced STAND) and complete the requested information. Anyone who volunteers at St. Clare's will need to complete this training. Anyone with substantial contact with Children is also required to supply three references, complete a criminal history screening, and complete VIRTUSonline training.
The process is done online and takes approximately 1 1/2 hours, but once the initial registration is complete you can stop and continue it later.
Completed online training will notify the VIRTUS Screening Coordinator at St. Clare Parish with an email that the training is complete. The training is good for 5 years. If you have any questions, please contact Vicki DeRuggiero, our VIRTUS Screening Coordinator at 410-687-6011 ext. 103 or Parishoffice@saintclare.org.
All are welcome!
Click on "Contact Us" at the top of the page and supply us with the following information.
Zip Code:
Please let us know if this is a "new registration", "change of address", "if you want envelopes mailed", or if "you are moving out of the area".
Feel free to call the parish office with any questions at 410-687-6011 ext. 103 and leave a message, or email us at Parishoffice@saintclare.org.